The db.Store interface

The db.Store provides a foundation for creating data stores and custom methods around regular collections.

The following example:

book, err := Books(sess).GetBookByTitle("The Shining")
if err != nil {
  // ...

Could be implemented with a struct, a method and a function:

package main

import (

// BooksStore represents a store for books
type BooksStore struct {

func (books *BooksStore) GetBookByTitle(title string) (*Book, error) {
  var book Book
  if err := books.Find(db.Cond{"title": title}).One(&book); err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return &book, nil

// Books initializes a BookStore
func Books(sess db.Session) *BooksStore {
  return &BooksStore{sess.Collection("books")}

// Interface check
var _ = interface{db.Store}(&BooksStore{})

The Books function depicted above can be used to create new instances of BooksStore, a common use case for this is the Store() method of a db.Record:

// Book represents a record from the "books" table.
type Book struct {
  // ...

func (book *Book) Store(sess db.Session) db.Store {
  return Books(sess)

Keep in mind that using db.Record and/or db.Store interfaces is completely optional, the ultimate decision should be based on the needs of your project.

The db.Store interface is only available for databases that support transactions, such as CockroachDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite and ql.