The db.Record interface

The db.Record interface provides a bare minimum support for you to operate with Go structs in a more ORM-ish way:

package db

type Record interface {
  Store(sess Session) Store

The db.Store interface is a container for db.Collection that is defined like this:

type Store interface {

In the example below, Book is a struct that satisfies the db.Record interface:

package main

import (

type Book struct {
  ID        uint   `db:"id,omitempty"`
  Title     string `db:"title"`
  AuthorID  uint   `db:"author_id,omitempty"`
  SubjectID uint   `db:"subject_id,omitempty"`

func (book *Book) Store(sess db.Session) db.Store {
  return sess.Collection("books")

// Compile-time check.
var _ = db.Record(&Book{})

You can use the db.Record interface with special db.Session methods suchs as Get, Save or Delete:

var book Book

// Get "The Shining" from the catalog
err = sess.Get(&book, db.Cond{"title": "The Shining"})
// ...

// Persist record to database
err = sess.Save(&book)
// ...

// Create a new record
book := Book{Title: "My new book"}
err = sess.Save(&book)

// Delete record
err = sess.Delete(&book)


db.Record objects can optionally satisfy hooks, which are special methods called before or after specific events. For instace, if we’d like the Book record to execute code right before inserting a new entry into the database we’d add a BeforeCreate hook, like this:

func (book *Book) BeforeCreate(sess db.Session) error {
  // ...
  return nil

upper/db records support the following hooks:

  • BeforeCreate(db.Session) error
  • AfterCreate(db.Session) error
  • BeforeUpdate(db.Session) error
  • AfterUpdate(db.Session) error
  • BeforeDelete(db.Session) error
  • AfterDelete(db.Session) error

Hooks in upper/db run within a database transaction, if any of the hooks return an error, the whole transactions is cancelled and rolled back.


Besides hooks, there’s another optional interface defined as:

type Validator interface {
  Validate() error

The Validator interface could be used to run validations against the record’s own data.

The db.Record interface is only available for databases that support transactions, such as CockroachDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite and ql.