a) SQL Builder: Select

All the adapters for SQL databases come with a handy SQL builder that you can use to compose queries.

You can access the SQL builder on SQL adapters using the SQL() method:

builder := sess.SQL()

There are different methods you can use to begin your query, for instance SelectFrom:

q := sess.SQL().

SelectFrom returns a [Selector][2] and some Selector methods return Selector too, so you can chain method calls like this:

q := sess.SQL().
  Where("title LIKE ?", "P%")


q := sess.SQL().

q = q.Where("title LIKE ?", "P%")

Note that we’re reassigning q in the last example. This is because queries are immutable and methods do not affect the caller, like in the next case (where q is not affected by Where):

q := sess.SelectFrom("books")

p := q.Where("title LIKE ?", "P%").

You can use All or One to compile, execute, and map results into a Go type:

var books []Book
err := q.All(&books)


var book Book
err := q.One(&book)

The Selector interface also features a special Iterator method to create an iterator and go through results one by one:

iter := q.Iterator()
defer iter.Close()

for iter.Next(&book) {
  // ...

if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
  // ...